Do Lab-Grown Diamonds Look Different?

Do Lab-Grown Diamonds Look Different?

Posted by Koorosh Daneshgar on Jan 16th 2023

Do Lab-Grown Diamonds Look Different?

Lab-grown diamonds are a type of diamond that are created in a laboratory setting rather than being mined from the earth. These diamonds are identical to natural diamonds in every way, except for their origin. They have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds, and they are also graded using the same system.

The question of  whether lab-grown diamonds look different from natural diamonds has been a topic of debate for some time. The short answer is that lab-grown diamonds do not look different from natural diamonds to the naked eye. Both types of diamonds are made of pure carbon that has been compressed and heated over millions of years. This process creates the same crystal structure and optical properties in both lab-grown and natural diamonds.

In terms of appearance, lab-grown diamonds can have the same level of  clarity, color, and cut as natural diamonds. The only difference that can be seen with the naked eye is the presence of inclusions, which are small imperfections that can be found inside a diamond. Inclusions are natural characteristics of diamonds, and they can be found in both natural and lab-grown diamonds. However, lab-grown diamonds tend to have fewer and smaller inclusions than natural diamonds, which means that they can be of higher quality.

Lab-grown diamonds can be distinguished from natural diamonds by using specialized equipment such as a microscope or a diamond tester. These tools are able to detect small differences in the internal structure of the diamond that are not visible to the naked eye. The most common method of detection is the use of a diamond tester, which uses thermal conductivity to determine whether a diamond is lab-grown or natural.

Another method of distinguishing lab-grown diamonds from natural diamonds is by using Raman spectroscopy, which is a non-destructive method that uses laser light to analyze the internal structure of a diamond. This method can detect small differences in the crystal structure of a diamond, which can indicate whether it is lab-grown or natural.

In conclusion, lab-grown diamonds are virtually identical to natural diamonds in terms of appearance. They have the same physical and chemical properties, and they can have the same level of clarity, color, and cut. The only way to distinguish lab-grown diamonds from natural diamonds is by using specialized equipment such as a microscope or a diamond tester. However, lab-grown diamonds tend to have fewer and smaller inclusions than natural diamonds, which means that they can be of higher quality. Therefore, if you're looking for a diamond that is ethically and sustainably sourced, a lab-grown diamond may be the perfect option for you.

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